Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jim is in the mafia

thought it was funny from my other blog when someone said heather told the judge that she was in fear for her life well come to find out it is true indeed that Jim has been telling other people that he use to be a hit man for the mafia.I also went to the bank today and the banks a V.p said that Jim used the ATM card again and knowing there was no money in the account and that his truck payment was returned,I was given copies of his 600 dollar check he wrote plus other transactions he ha done in the last few days, and I will start work next week I pray to set me back on. Financial track.oh yeah and put locks on the door and windows to keep out all unwanted visitors

Jim IS G O N E !!!!

It was a knock down drag-out fight on Friday. Jims obscession that I am sleeping around with other men had come to an end. he had drug me around the dinning room floor like a caveman dragging his woman. Telling me that I was the Bitch From Hell and other choice lovely words. He was upset and quoted from the Bible that woman should submit to their husbands, that I was havinf a passionate love affair with co-drivers and black men. Iam not prejudice and he is so that irritates him all that much more. He cleaned out the bank account and left his check and gas charge to be bad. I called the boss lady at work and she said that the boss man said I should have knocked his lights out that he did not like him anyway but only put up with him because I was married to him. Then after calling to find out from Missouri state where my new EMT card was they said that it was mailed out last month. Well Jim obviously took it and never gave it to me so that I could not work. He said that he would see to it that I would lose the house here and in Marianna. Well I called the lawyer and he said he cannot do it since I had the house before we got married.
Jim is a mentally sick man and absolutely everyone knows it but him. I put in a call to his therapist to let her know that he has gone off the deep end. Poor man.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

&Whe're Movin On Up

I know all too well about moving and I have to gather boxes to start packing this week. Why you ask? 'Cause I'm crazy?The sky is in allignment with Jupiter and Pluto? By the way it was a planet then and always will be in my book till the Discovery lands on it and tells me otherwise. No-you are all wrong.It's because the economy is in piss poor shape, my house has less than $3,000.00 to be paid off and my son wants a cow to go along with our 4 dogs.This is going be scarry folks. I have been praying about the new house with 2 bathrooms and 4 acres,the washer and dryer in the same room, cows on one side of me and miniature horses on the other side.I have been working my trying to get this old 1963 linolium off the slab floor as to get the house ready to put on the market. DO you know how hard it is to get that stuff up? I will be collecting SS before it's ready!! Not a job for the faint at heart. Soooo....I will update soon

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Runnin on Empty

Im working on the ambulance right now. Gotta Pee but someone is in the bathroom. Gotta Brush my teeth. And to top it off I dropped my cell phone in the sink. RRRRRRRGH.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Washed Up Canditorial Race

Well, I did it. After class yesterday I did my civil duty and did the early voting thing. Whom you asked? Well, McCain and Palin I reply. But who cares that I voted, what matters is that I lost my voters registration card and drivers license between the court house of um, well, this G E O R G E O U S , nah that's not it, how about B E A U T F UL Marianna, ugh who am I kidding, one horse town and my house ( I hate to cuss so that will have to do). I am calling around looking to see that I did not leave them with the lady that was so eager to grab them bad boys out of my hand to make sure I was who I say I am. I still think they count the cows in their cenus totals. But lo and behold as I grab the clothes out of the washer to go into the final sock missing in action dryer......there is my shinny face looking back at me from a Tennessee T-shirt. The voters registration card however is still a POW of the disappearing zone of laundry. I would like to think that my laundry soap is sooooo great that it even disintegrates paper without leaving a trace of lint. Wish I find amusing since I cannot get 1 peice of dog hair to let loose of a sweater in the washer. But I am still me and I still live here, I have a "clean drivers license"

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Christmas Is Coming

I found this cute site looking for music.check it out.....hohoho

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Here we go again

Jim woke me up this morning after he got out of the shower, 5minutes after I got up he starts yelling at me. Apparently I am now screwing guys again, am being sneeky behind his back, yadda yadda yadda. I went ahead and called the lawyer today and am expecting a call back tomorrow. Jim took my cell phone- so no one can call me on that anymore either. I guess his paranonia will allow him to get a call from all my so-called boyfriends. Neither one of us can live like this anymore.
Sydney has done well his first week in school. I saved his first day of school paper work in his baby book. The candle that had his 2 year old teeth marks in the wax however would not fit in there.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Who Needs GITMO

Because of school enrolment Sydney and I both had to get a Tetnus shot. 1 Week later I am still feeling like a MAC truck plowed into my arm and left my arm for fall-off dead. Sydney on the other hand is Batman, Superman and Spiderman all-in-one and was better after about 5 days. In my opinion every person being held for war crimes at Gitmo does not have to be water-boarded, no bamboo under the finger nails, no shackles; just give the prisoners a Tetnus shot and they will be rendered useless of labor for a week.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

School Bound

Sydney and I both start school within the next 2 weeks, he starts kindergarden and I start Paramedic classes. Sydney is excited about it as well as I am. Tired nights are in store for the next year as school, work, Sydney and Jim will all need tending to. I honestly think that Jim will not survive it. He is very demanding, more so than Sydney.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer Heat

It's hot and I know somewhere they are sizzling eggs on a sidewalk. My garden is brown but the weeds in the back yard were green and 40 feet tall. It took 2 days to mow the yard down since we do it by self propelled mower. We took a break after being outside for 10-15 minutes at a time. Inside for a half an hour. Were is the rain? Were is the snow? Where is my pillow? The heat drains my every being.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Jim and I watched a movie tonight. It was a good chick flick,a sniffle here and there from the both of us. We tried to watch the movie as Sydney kept coming in and asking for us to go "Fireworking" as Jim bought him a few Roman Candles and colored sparklers. After the movie I sprayed each of us down with bug spray. Jim lit one candle and Sydney went screaming for the back yard gate. The fire scared him. I hate the noise. There was enough smoke in the air from neighbors fireworks to eliminate any bug, critter or any creatures that lurk in the night away for miles into the countryside for the next 2 days. And humidity. Did I mension I hate the heat? We come in the house and turn on the weather channel, a trip next week had me interested in the states that I will be going to. I hear,"Seattle having trouble getting out of the 60's". I was internally screaming,"WHY DID I EVER LEAVE THE COOLNESS OF WASHINGTON?"

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What Constitutes A Trail Mix?

Now I like to think that every once-in-a-while I give Sydney something good to eat for snacks. But this my parental friends this is a great one for adults. Who cannot resist graham cracker cookies shaped like a bee, yummy miniature chocolate bears with cute belly buttons and yogurt covered raisins? And do not forget the mini pretzels either.
Sydney and I ate this on our last trip, one box and one hour later......going going gone. Now all that is missing is the M&M's.
This is one that is great for anyone who can chew the raisins, numbing with the gums is only allowed with persons over the age of 30.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer Heat Before The Flowers Fade

It's 4pm, 92 degrees, and muggy. I looked outside my front room window and admire the beautiful plants that are in flowering mode. Not pink, not blue, but an array of colours to cheer up my headache (I believe I am allergic to that big orange thing in the sky) I have much to do in the yard and feel no need to sweat when the air in the house feels too good right now. Maybe I can hold off for a few hours and work like a mad woman to avoid the Arkansas State Bird.(Mosquito)
When the evening starts to draw near the wonderful purple martins are out in full swing. I counted 6 of them yesterday around my yard. How wonderful they are. Getting the flying bugs in flight is a good thing. If it gets rid of the bugs I don"t mind their early a.m. squawking outside my bedroom window when I have it open.
I did not know it till last year but dragon flyies eat mosquito's! They call them squiter eaters around here.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cloverfield -movie

Here you go Chester..... Hated the ending, but on the other hand I love anything that destroys New York City!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Funky For The Week

What A Spring

Lynn, I see you are all getting hammered by the weather just as we are. Keep safe and let me know how you are all doing.
I ordered my transcripts from the few colleges that I have attended and had them sent to my local community college. I am applying for the Paramedics program there. First I have to be accepted into the class. Hopefully my gray hair and pissy attitude won't be tooooo much of a deterrent and I can gracefully make my presents known again on a local campus.
Jim and I got the garden tilled up and planted corn, green bush beans and put potato eyes in a few truck tires. Everything has came up already without a hitch. I put in garlic and Walla Walla Sweet with Texas sweet onion sets in and they are standing tall already. With the price of everything going up, including food; it just makes good since to put in a garden more than ever before. Even Sydney has gotten to know that you cannot step on the rows.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's Been Forever

Hello from sleepy land.
Seems these days that whenever I get time off I am running around not doing the things that I really need to get done around the house.
Last week I bought a new/used 2007 Chevy Silverado. sniff sniff I will miss my Pathfinder that I have had for the last 7 years. I know that I said I would never buy an American car, we will see how it me when I say that I have never had any luck other than a Nissan vehicle. It is a 2007 demo, 6,000 miles, loaded with everything accept the power seats, So I paid 27,000.00, my credit was good but not great so I sacrificed the 4.9% to a 7%. The sales man said if my credit was bad then they would have charged me about 15%. So I don't feel so bad with the 7percent.
We just returned from a Clegg family reunion and stopped at home so Sydney could spend the night at the sitters house. I will be working hard for the next few days.
The flooding in this part of the world has been bad. The Mississippi River looks like an ocean.